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Micro-crèche Kidtopia 2 - Saint-Raphaël

Because their development is our greatest concern

Notre micro-crèche Kidtopia 2 située à Saint-Raphaël est agrémentée par le conseil départemental, elle dispose d’un local d’une surface de 140 m2 et d’un espace extérieur de 135m2 (un jardin avec potager). L’équipe encadrante est composée de 5 professionnelles de la petite enfance toutes diplômées et passionnées. La directrice est infirmière puéricultrice maman de trois jeunes enfants. Son équipe est formées en langue des signes pour enfant et pratique le portage. L’éveil aux langues fait partie intégrante du projet pédagogique.

All meals and products for baby changing and hygiene are organically produced and supplied by the micro-crèche.

The structure

A structure adapted to your needs and those of your child

In the style of Emmi Pickler

We draw our inspiration from alternative teaching methods to guide children towards independence, allowing them to explore their abilities with complete confidence.

Caring methods

We regularly train in caring co-education methods that are in line with current neuroscience knowledge.


Reception is entirely adapted to your child's rhythm, and your child's rhythm alone!

Baby carriers

We are equipped with a range of resources to help babies stay attached to their parents, including baby slings.

Breastfeeding area

Come and breastfeed your baby whenever you like, in our dedicated breastfeeding area, and we'll give your milk to your baby as you wish while you're away.

Organic and local food

Your treasures will benefit from the best food for growing up well! By using our local partners who use organic, quality food.

An accessible garden designed for children

To promote nature education and sustainability by involving children in outdoor activities, a school garden and field trips, raising their awareness of environmental issues and encouraging environmentally-friendly behaviour.

Our services

Services included in your package :


Tarifs horaires :

  • Nos tarifs horaires varient de 8,9 à 10 euros, en fonction du type de service et des horaires choisis. Nous sommes flexibles pour répondre aux besoins uniques de chaque famille.

Tarifs réduits solidaires :

  • Nous proposons des tarifs réduits solidaires pour soutenir les familles dans le besoin, telles que les mères isolées, les personnes en réinsertion professionnelle ou les enfants pris en charge par l’aide sociale à l’enfance. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus sur les tarifs préférentiels disponibles.

Aides financières :

  • Dans notre microcrèche, il est facile pour les parents de trouver des aides pour la garde de leurs enfants. Ils peuvent bénéficier de la Prestation d’Accueil du Jeune Enfant (PAJE), qui comprend notamment le Complément de Libre Choix du Mode de Garde (CMG). Ce CMG peut être versé aux parents dont les enfants fréquentent notre microcrèche. De plus, les parents peuvent également profiter de réductions d’impôts pour les frais de garde d’enfant de moins de 6 ans. Certaines collectivités locales offrent également des aides financières ou des services de soutien spécifiques aux micro-crèche.

Timetables Extended

For your convenience, we are open from 7am to 7pm, Monday to Friday. Don't hesitate to let us know if you have any specific requests for opening times. We will do everything we can to meet your needs.

Our philosophy

Children's well-being and safety at the heart of the project

Everything is designed to be caring and considerate of each child's stage of psychomotor development and personality. Each child's rhythm is respected.
A great deal of emphasis is placed on helping children to develop their independence, as they are capable of a great deal from an early age. We help them to explore their abilities in complete safety.

The micro-nursery will be a warm, friendly family environment.

Parents have their rightful place in the school and we attach great importance to the bonds of trust we develop with them.
The children feel right at home and everything is done to ensure their comfort and development.

For example, a room will be provided for mothers to breastfeed their babies if they work nearby.

We also organise "parents' aperitifs", during which parents are invited to the crèche and during which we present an exhibition prepared by the team on various themes, such as sleep, diversification, etc. These are convivial moments of sharing that are much appreciated by the professionals and families.

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